Hi Everybody…
Finding happiness has always been elusive for me. I've spent most of my life in tunnel vision mode, struggling until something jolts me out of it. However, when I do find my way out of this perpetual struggle, there are activities that I enjoy. I've compiled them below in no particular order.
Family: Although I don't often give them enough time away from school and work obligations, my family always supports my goals. Despite our limited time together, it's when I feel most relaxed and joyful. Waking up on Christmas morning, spending time with my family, and sharing breakfast is unbeatable. What truly highlights the importance of these moments is that no one is concerned about what's under the tree. We cherish our time together, not the gifts awaiting us. It's evident that we're content just being together in that moment.

Other family moments bring me immense joy. One of my favorite pastimes is watching movies all day Saturday in bed. These moments may be rare, but I find happiness simply relaxing with my family. Special events like my daughter Alexis's quinceañera, where I had the unique privilege of waltzing with her during the father-daughter dance, hold a special place in my heart. Similarly, my other daughters Courtney and Riley's high school graduations were unforgettable milestones. And, of course, the day I got engaged to Miroslaba, my fiancée, brought me tremendous joy.
Traveling: I also enjoy traveling; however, traveling with my family is always much better than traveling alone. Unfortunately, when my oldest daughters were younger, we couldn't afford to travel and experience the things available to us now. So, they missed out on some incredibly unique and extraordinary experiences. But my fiancée and our daughter Alexis have seen some pretty amazing places over the past six years. We've traveled to Chichén Itzá in Mexico, Machu Picchu in Peru, the Colosseum and Pompeii in Italy, the Eiffel Tower

and Versailles in Paris, and Mt. Fuji in Japan. It's incredible to have the opportunity to provide these experiences to Miros and Alexis, share them with them, and enjoy them for myself. Some of my favorite moments include walking in Machu Picchu with them, the water taxi and gondola rides in Venice, Italy, as the sun sets beautifully over the buildings, watching the sunset from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and dining for what seems like minutes but instead was hours in the Piazza Navona in Rome. These special moments brought me immense joy, and I am so grateful to experience them with my family.
Politics: I have always enjoyed discussing politics. I am a natural contrarian and often take opposing sides just for fun, even if that opposing side is the opposite of my own. This policy has a couple of effects. For one, it forces me to steelman my views to see how robust they are, and quite often, it causes me to either pivot entirely or make a subtle shift in my opinion and become more empathetic to the other argument.
I am a white male business owner from Orange County, CA, which pretty much screams Republican. However, I am and have always been a true liberal, so I am financially prudent and socially compassionate. I continually talk with colleagues who are generally Republican and pull apart their arguments about this politician or that politician, and it is fun to get them into a corner that they cannot explain their way out of. As a result, I have slightly softened some of the most staunch Republicans over the years.
Interestingly, as I write this, I realize that it is not the argument that brings me joy but the time spent dialoguing with my friends. As a result, I am either teaching them something, and I enjoy teaching or learning something, which I also enjoy. Either way, I find joy in talking about politics.
Music: I have always had an affinity for music, whether it was my first album, 'Back in Black' by AC/DC, or the Plimsouls album, where I listened to the song 'A Million Miles Away' on the record player for hours. I get lost in the harmonies, and I love listening to the lyrics, trying to interpret what the artist is trying to say to us.
I love most types of music, from NOFX, a punk band I listen to to foster my angst, to Kenny Rogers when I feel nostalgic and think of my parents. When I'm happy and the sun is out on a Saturday afternoon, I might listen to Selena Gomez, or if I'm in Mexico, I might listen to Maluma, Shakira, or Selena. While on the boat, it could potentially be Creedence Clearwater Revival. There is something special about CCR that puts a smile on my face when the sun is on my back and the weather is warm. Almost nothing is better.
Music has always been an escape, and I enjoy it most alone. However, it's also okay when I'm with friends and family.

Photography: Although I no longer put immense effort into shooting photography, I still enjoy it. There's something special about picking a spot, planning the shot, and executing it.
For example, I set out to shoot in San Francisco a few years ago. I spent days or weeks on Google Earth, trying to find the perfect shot. Eventually, I decided to capture San Francisco from Yerba Buena Island as the sun set over the Bay Bridge and the city. I wanted to format it as a long exposure to capture the streaking of car lights from the bridge as the sun went down over SF.
I found my spot and flew to San Francisco, focusing on getting that shot. And I did. I took a lot of planning, time, and money, but I'm pleased with it. It's moments like these that make me happy—it's a sense of accomplishment.

Painting: A few years ago, I started painting. Although I don't do it often, I'm not very good at it, and I've never taken lessons but I enjoy it. Typically, I don't start with a purpose; I buy a couple of canvases, set up the easel and acrylics, and start painting. Sometimes, I do blends; other times, I imitate a famous artist's style.
I mostly paint for myself, usually when no one is around, but something is calming about it. When I finish, I feel a sense of pride and even if it's not great, I know it's excellent for me.
School: I dropped out of high school a few weeks into my junior year with a 1.7 GPA. As a result, I always felt insecure about my education and knew I was undereducated. Subsequently, at 46, I returned to school and earned an AA. When I began, I didn't plan to get an AA; I only wanted to learn Spanish, but I ended up with a degree.
Following high school, I believed I had a distaste for school, but I realized it was more about fearing that I couldn't succeed, and as I pursued my AA, I discovered I could succeed in academia, earning good grades. Since then, I've transferred to UCLA and maintained good grades. My academic success brings me much joy, inspiring me to work harder and apply to MBA programs. The better I do in school, the happier and more inspired I feel, despite the effort and anxiety it entails.
All of these things bring me immense joy in my life. Although I work hard, I'm grateful for the luck and opportunities that have enabled me to enjoy life in various ways. I cherish my family and friends, sharing these joys with them and never taking them for granted.
Hi John!
I totally resonate with finding happiness in photography. I often find myself picturing ideal photoshoots in my head, or imagining the perfect scene, but struggling to recreate that image in real time with the proper lighting and adjustments. Therefore, I completely understand the satisfaction that accompanies achieving that idealistic shot, and I think it's a great philosophic concept to be constantly striving for a satisfactory, ideal perception of the world we're in while never truly achieving it on paper; It keeps us reaching for perfection!
Thanks for your input!
Hi John!
I love that you cherish moments with your family as one of the biggest cultivators of happiness in your life. I also feel a lot of joy and revitalization from spending time with family. I love the picture of Alexis’s quinceañera! I also love how you travel with your family. I have so many great memories including current memories of traveling with my family, it’s such a wonderful way to create lasting bonds as well as see corners of the world you might otherwise never see. I loved your passage on politics! I am also very much a liberal, and I admire how you’re able to have discussions with Republicans or people on the opposite political scale. I…